Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Project

Do you have a project that remains stuffed in a box, a drawer or in a pile or in your garage?  Well, I assume this guy does because, like Erik's Groovy Grooming Machine, I drive past this eyesore about 3 times a week and wonder if his wife made him get this thing out of their driveway.  It's parked in a public lot but adjacent to a 55+ community (in the same parking lot as my grocery store) so I am guessing it's some old guys hot rod that his wife (or neighbor) got sick of looking at and forced him to park it elsewhere.  That is funny to me for several reasons, first, I love that someone loved this "thing" enough to park it somewhere permanently (it's been there for a year at least), I also love that it's tacky and probably worthless to anyone else (it's painted gold and the windows are very sun damaged), and I also love that they were defiant enough to keep it.  Why are we all so preoccupied with each others silly hobbies and wants?  Sometimes it's the most inconsequential thing that makes us happy (an old car for instance) so just let it go for goodness sakes.  Let them have their stupid, old rust bucket and be happy!  I also wonder what my "old, rust bucket" is and if it bothers my spouse.  I know he hates clutter and although I have become quite a minimalist in home design, I still have my piles of crap here and there (like 5 year old magazines I can't bear to part with).  What's yours?  My friend, Mary, makes jewelry and she has a whole box of what she calls "UFOs" or "unfinished objects" (apparently, everyone who makes jewelry has these) and I can completely relate to the UFO problem.  I once kept a cross-stitch project for 10 years thinking I'd eventually finish it...I didn't and felt so free when I finally threw that thing away.  So, what projects do you have and are they worth keeping...and why?  These are things that make me go hmmm....

ADMIN NOTE:  I just made it possible for anyone to make anonymous comments.  I'd love to hear from you and learn about what's on your mind.  :)  You no longer have to sign in to leave a comment, just please be respectful of my awesome friends and keep it clean.  Thank you!!!

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