Saturday, January 21, 2012

Location Shoot

What a fun afternoon!  I spent it in Nelson, NV shooting with a couple other shutterbugs.  I met a photographer at a Smug Mug Meet-Up and she offered to show me and another girl this fantastic location for shooting photos today.  It was incredibly generous of her to share one of her favorite spots and even more generous to bring along a friend to model for us!  I just love shooting old, weird things and a bullet hole in an old truck fit the bill for me.  We shot right around sunset so the lighting was gorgeous and the place was an absolute plethora of weirdness...LOVED IT!  Can't wait to go back.  I had a difficult time choosing my image for today because there were so many neat shots but this one really spoke to my style.  If you haven't explored your own surroundings--do it!  You never know what you might find...your bullet hole awaits!

Allison:  ISO 100, 1/60, f3.2 (used my 24-75mm lens--this was taken at 45mm) with AWB.  :)

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