Monday, January 23, 2012

Pet Peeves

Fewer things bother me more than lazy people.  Why has this phenomenon of leaving your cart in the parking lot that has become socially acceptable?  I still get acid stomach when I recall sitting in my car,  in a Walmart parking lot (my first mistake), gleefully looking over a huge pack of pictures I had printed when a grocery cart rolled into my car so fast I didn't have time to react and dented my car in 3 places.  I was so angry that I jumped out of my car and looked for the perp, I was 9 months pregnant and in a rage.  There she was, Barbie in her white Bronco.  She saw me waving my fist at her and all she did was shrug her shoulders and drive away, really, Barbie?  Is that how you treat an angry prego?  My car was only a year old and not a scratch on it...but I was more upset by Barbies lack of concern and more importantly, lack of responsibility.  Unreal.  It's been over 6 years since that moment and I still get fired up about think I should let it go yet?  I am sure I will as soon as people start PUTTING THEIR CARTS AWAY PROPERLY!  Geez!  And, when I get rid of that stupid car that I hate now.

On a funny side note...while I was shopping in Trader Joe's today, I met a psychic who wanted to read my palm (crazy, huh?), among other things she told me that I had a very low tolerance for stupidity and it was getting worse as I got older, HA!  She was right!  I should have made an appointment with her for another reading, this woman is gooooood!

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