Saturday, February 18, 2012

Childhood Memories

Wasn't life simple when you were 5 years old?  I hope it was, that's what it should be.  It should be about uncontrollable giggles, thinking about cookies and candy constantly, running and twirling and jumping until you fall over and sleep overs with your best friend.  This image is designed specifically to give that retro feel using high contrast and increased noise, it makes me think of when I was a kid and my sister and I used to take bubble baths together and laugh and splash until we got in trouble.  These simple things just make life so sweet, and they cost nothing.  Isn't that great?!


  1. That is so precious! My little one loves his bubble baths, too! They can spend hours in the tub until they have raisins for toes!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank-you! :) I clicked on your link and found your black and white images your shadow work.


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