Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Baby Steps

Sometimes it takes baby steps to accomplish a goal and that's okay!  I took a one today as I volunteered to "gallery sit" at a local art gallery.  I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and into a place I once felt I didn't belong.  I rather enjoy the irony that the first exhibit I sat for is called "Garden of Eden."  How perfect, I thought, as I enjoyed both the art (photographs that mimicked Renaissance paintings of fruit) and feeling part of the art community all at once.  My photography started out as a dream to transition from one career into another--a career that is a complete departure from my last.  Now, I'm enjoying the journey and allowing myself to take these baby steps closer to accomplishing my dream rather than pressuring myself to rush into something.  It takes time to build confidence in what you do and it takes courage to put yourself out there for everyone to judge--reminds me of those naked stress dreams!  Only this time, I'm running around with my clothes on laughing!  What's your dream?

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