Sunday, January 29, 2012

Welcome to Philly

My blog writing days have faced their first challenge and so far, so good!  I'm on the road (first challenge) and classes start tomorrow (second challenge) and I'm still doing it! Yay!  I'm in NJ actually (flew into Philly) and I'm blogging from my hotel room (which you may or may not see over the next few days).  I am obsessed with the "posterize" feature on PS and love the effect, as you can see here.  I actually came up with a cool idea on my flight here...a photog treasure hunt!  I thought it would very cool to create a list of things you must photograph in the span of a month (or so)...the list can have things such as "airplane bathroom sink" (which I did photograph on my way here but this turned out better) or "gas station circa 1980 or earlier" you get my idea...and the first person to complete the list wins! and glory, yes that's it!  Anyway, I thought it would be fun, anyone interested?  
Anyway, back to today's shot.  As I mentioned earlier, I love photographing line and this is one example of line--the way these luggage carts are stacked.  I just love looking at the row of them for some reason.  They soothe me in a weird way.  I like the way they fit together in such an orderly way, like a hand in a glove.  Does anyone else dig line?  Or am I just a freak?  :)

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