Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Beauty in the Everyday

I once made the mistake of complaining to my friend about how frustrated I was at my daughter because she was incorrigible.  My friend had been undergoing fertility treatments and she and her husband had been trying to get pregnant unsuccessfully for years.  She gently responded by saying, "Kristin, I would trade 100 of your bad days with her for one of mine best days."  Of course I felt about as small as a worm and promised her I would never complain about my kid again (to her anyway).  Now I try (repeat TRY) to appreciate the simple things, the mundane moments in each day with my lovely family and try not to get too caught up in the rough patches.  We had a rough morning, it was filled with drama, tears and temper tantrums but it ended as it normally does, her at the table doing her homework and us putting her to bed, lovingly kissing her goodnight.  The beauty in the everyday is such a gift and one that I hope I always cherish.

PS. My friend has since been blessed with 2 healthy through IVF and the second was a surprise gift from God!


  1. Great again....the photo and the commentary. Lack of (paid) work has meant I've had 2 full days with just Rachel while Wills is at school. It's been glorious and I've been appreciating every last minute. It really is the mundane stuff that means the most at the end of it all...

  2. Thank you, Sarah! When we got married, the priest said (paraphrasing, its been a while) 'enjoy the beauty of being content with each other.' There is nothing more true since the most comforting feeling is being content in life. The roller coaster will always have it's ups and downs (and they can be quite thrilling) but the smooth, swift ride is always the nicest. :D

    I'm so happy that you're reading along with me. It makes me happy and feel more connected to you--even though you're a kagillion miles away!


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