Sunday, January 8, 2012

Finding Your Mojo

Every strong woman is empowered and fueled by her own version of mojo...she gets this from a variety of sources, she is a leader, she is beautiful, she is generous and kind, she is sexy and free, she is happy.  Unfortunately, some of us lose this inner feeling, this strength and it's all because we lose our mojo (it happens).  We feel less of who we once were.  When I turned 40 I felt more empowered, more beautiful, sexy and strong than I had ever felt before.  I put all my titles and roles to the side and put myself first again and in doing this, I found mojo.  I'm happy to say that it's stronger than ever and I'm a better wife, mother, sister, daughter and friend because of it.  Here's me...and my mojo!  Find yours, hold it tight and keep it close!  You rock!

1 comment:

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