Sunday, March 4, 2012


There are only two kinds of motorized vehicles that truly excite me, the Mini Cooper and the Vespa.  Today, I was walking out of my beloved Arts Factory when I laid eyes on about 10 of these beauties lined up!  Weeeee, I was so giddy!  I was instantly transported to Rome and Florence (the two places I observed more Vespas than cars) and all the beautiful Italians whizzing around on them, yummy!  Apparently, the Vespa-jockies were gathering for a Vegas-themed obstacle course, hilarious.  There were several people setting up the course as I stumbled upon these little gems.  I wish I could have stayed for the show but, alas, I had to go home.  I was just happy to have had that moment of bliss.  Even the name sounds fast and cool...Vessssssspa!

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