Tuesday, March 6, 2012


This is a color photo of a rare scene in Vegas...a dark and windy night is upon us.  The maddening mistral has blown in to make us all crazy!  The garbage cans and their remains litter the neighborhood, the lawn furniture is strewn about, and the allergens are invading our defenseless bodies...we are an eye watering, sneezing lot around here.  Normally, this scene is of a blue sky with the yawning man (that's what I call the mountain in the distance to the left) getting ready to swallow the sun for the night...but not tonight.  In fact, clouds are a rare site, but a dark sky, hardly ever.  You can see the tiny lights from the houses in the distance...they look cozy (not a word we use much around here).  In spite of the "cozy" look, the mistral stays and blows and blows and blows until we all go mad!

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