Friday, March 23, 2012

A Ladybug Named Chocolate

Meet Chocolate, my daughter's new pet ladybug.  She was found at the park and lovingly carried home to find a new residence in our garden.  I don't get the name either but she's a girl, she can't help herself...chocolate is always on her mind!  Coincidentally, the dog was renamed (again) to Marshmallow last night.  I wonder if she'll call her friends "salty french fries" when she is a teenager (that's what I crave anyway)!  Don't you remember how much you loved finding ladybugs and feeling their feet tickle your skin as you carried them around?  We used to count the spots and say that's how many babies you'd have someday.  Well, I can tell you now that myth is debunked.  :)  The neighbor said it's how many months old they are (she's 11 and quite sure of herself--but my 5 year old told her to research it on the internet, yesssssss!).  It doesn't matter what the spots mean, they are just part of the beauty of nature and Spring!  (But if they do mean something, please tell me!)


  1. didnt she call zoe coaco at first.haha!

    1. Yes! I know, she's out of control! Thanks again for stopping in, Olivia! :D You make me smile.
      :D k

    2. i think she likes food cuz thats wat she seems to name her pets! haha!

    3. SUGAR! She likes sugar, Olivia! :) I guess I deprive her too often...geesh! I swear she's a fly...could live off the stuff!

    4. haha i luv SUGAR 2!especially sugar cubes!

      P.S. ILUV WAT UV DUN 2 THE SITE!!!!!!!!!


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