Monday, March 26, 2012

The Jesus Toy

Well, once again I have underestimated a child.  Yesterday, I had my daughter clean her play room and I told her to make a pile of all the things she wanted to donate to charity.  She did and Jesus was at the top of the pile.  I said, "Honey, you can't give away Jesus, that's just bad luck."  She responded, "Mom, but I already have the spirit of Jesus inside me now, so it is really a good thing to give him to another person who needs his spirit."  My jaw dropped and my heart floated.  It was so obvious but I didn't think of it...of course she has the spirit of God inside her and that silly doll was no longer necessary.  So, in case you ever wondered if a 5 year old could really grasp the concept of faith, my answer to you is YES!  Did it start with a Jesus toy?  Maybe not but it was defined through one.  Amazing...

P.S. I am totally keeping that bouncy ball!


  1. Olivia, what do you think of this format? I'm playing around and wanted to try something different!

  2. i luv it cuz it gives me a chance to see yor past pictures aswell as your new 1s!Plus the pictures look so cool in a coolage like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!u should keep it:)


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