Sunday, March 18, 2012

Self-Portrait Take Deux

For my portraiture class we were asked to create a mini-series of self-portraits for our mid-term and  this is what I came up with...The Modern Day Wonder Woman.  Women today are busy, we wear a multitude of "hats" (or shoes) and play many different roles to many people...we are daughters, sisters, wives, mothers, friends, coworkers, pet owners, get my point.  It's a mixture of fun and insane in the same day sometimes!  Here is an illustration of the many roles I can play in any one day.  My dog was very confused as I ran in and out of my home studio wearing a shirt and different pants and shoes, pushing the shutter and hitting the floor and posing before my 10 second timer ended!  My daughter just rolls her eyes at me and ignores me and my silliness.  Think about it, how many different shoes do you fill each day?  Pretty crazy, huh?!

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