Thursday, March 29, 2012


This is a picture of my sweet friend, Julia...and 3 of her 4 crazy girls!  She has more patience, faith, and grace than most women and if you asked her, she'd laugh at that statement.  She generously posed for this image for me (another homework assignment) to show how calm she can be among the chaos that surrounds her.  I used a slow shutter speed (creating extrusive time) to try to capture her girls running circles around her (like they do).  It was a fun shoot (they all are) but I am going nuts over the blown out highlights in the top left corner from my new strobe.  (I obviously don't know how to use it yet!)  ARGH!  Do ya think she'll sit for me again?  :o  Maybe I can figure out how to PS that spot out...I hope I hope...either way, thanks, Julia!  

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