Friday, February 10, 2012

White Cross Reminders

When you drive down the remote roads in the Mojave Desert your eyes are pulled from the moon-like landscape to the scattering of white crosses along side the road.  Sadly, they are plentiful and visceral reminders of not only the people who lost their lives along this road but the ones left behind.  It's especially heartbreaking to see posts like this one, which obviously represents the loss of a child.  I think we go through stages in life of feeling very immortal (in our 20s) and then feeling completely and utterly mortal and we hold those we love even closer...especially our children.  My heart aches when I see white crosses on the side of the road because I wonder who is missing the person they represent but my heart breaks when I see one with beloved stuffed friends embracing them.  I am not going to miss seeing these reminders when I leave (the news is sad enough) but I sure will squeeze my family tight when I return.

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