Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Extrusive Time

For my masters thesis project I am creating a series call Daydream that shows different people in different professions enjoying a mental escape in their busy day.  I'm having each person standing perfectly still in a yoga pose of their choice while the world around them continues.  This is something I think we can all benefit from (a quiet moment of meditation) and can also be contagious to those in your presence.  When we are calm, that can positively effect people around us, just as our negativity can affect them (this is true with children and dogs too, by the way).  The effect I'm using here is called "extrusive time" to show the movement over a short burst of time.  Dig it.  :)


  1. That’s awesome, and refreshing! It made me take a deep breath when I read it, thanks!
    Love, Me

  2. Thanks! Keep taking them...we all need to take deep breaths more often! :D


More than just a logo

Welcome to my studio, Black Bird Art & Design.  I created this logo myself and feel very excited about it and want to share the story be...