Sunday, July 22, 2012

New Look!

Hello, Friends, I hope you like my new look.  I really wanted to switch it up a bit by brightening my blog page with my own background image and cleaning it up visually.  I also added a gadget that enables translation (mostly because I enjoy reading my own words in French).  I am thrilled that people from all over the world have checked out my chronicles to include my faithful followers in Russia, the UK and Germany.  I've also wondered if my photography or writing or a combination of both amuses you the most.  Please share any suggestions you have that will help improve my blog. As an art student, I am accustomed to feedback, trust me.  I have grown a very thick skin over the years.  ;)

Until tomorrow...ciao!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Are you kidding? I love the photos as well as the stories/insight that goes along with it! You are so creative - I love it!

  3. Thanks, Sis! My biggest fan. :) Love you!!!


More than just a logo

Welcome to my studio, Black Bird Art & Design.  I created this logo myself and feel very excited about it and want to share the story be...