Saturday, February 11, 2012


Today was my last day in Barstow and I'm ready to go home once again.  It's been a good visit but not only am I terribly behind in my homework and email but I miss my little family (and my bed).  Going away always makes us appreciate all the blessings we forget to appreciate when we are home.  Here are a few things I'm thankful for:  the fact that I don't have to wake up at 0400 every morning; I'm thankful that I sleep in a cozy bed each night and not a tent somewhere far from home; I'm grateful that I don't have to do PT at 0630 every day--even if it's cold, dark and windy; I am so happy I live near a Trader Joes and Whole Foods; I am blessed with having my husband close and my daughter healthy; I'm glad I don't have to worry about coyotes in my back-yard every day; I'm blessed that I live in a country that is free and for all this and more, I tank-you!

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