Wednesday, February 29, 2012


It's self-portrait time!  Maybe I'll even leap into March with a series of self-portraits.  This is a very challenging thing for most photographers because we tend to feel much more comfortable behind the lens (sober anyway).  Just like any meal I cook--I criticize myself to death...the bags under my eyes, the new wrinkes, my hair style, my gazillion freckles...blah blah blah.  I go nuts when I hear my girlfriends do it and then I'm a big hypocrite.  So, here's my first self-portrait for an assignment I'm doing in my portraiture class.  I know it needs work but I do want to incorporate mirrors and this was NOT easy to get into focus.  I took hundreds before I stopped at this one.  Plus, my bathroom (the whole darn house) is this awful off-yellow color that gives every image an ugly color cast that must be fixed in PS no matter what my white balance setting.  So, black and white at least gives it an even tone without that nasty color cast.  It makes it harder to see the ugly bags under my eyes  It is now past my's after 10pm.

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