Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I'd Rather Be...Traveling

Here's a shot I made today for my "I'd Rather Be..." series called "Traveling."  Isabel was a great sport as I posed her in many different ways, asked her to move the clothes, stand here, stand there, plug in my strobe light, smile, look at the camera, look away...etc.  We kept cracking up through each shot because, for some reason, this is not something she does each day at the dry cleaners!  Today is the first time I set my white balance for "custom" because although this space was covered in fluorescent lights (hideous) that setting was giving me an awful blue color cast (?).  The AWB did the same...so I was happy to see something better from the custom setting!  Yay!  I knew there was a reason for this blog...forcing me out of my comfort zone.  

Escaping from reality has always been one of my favorite things to do and I guess I'll never grow out of it...I'd rather be traveling too!

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