Monday, April 16, 2012


There are many reasons why this image is cool. The reason I love it is because it immediately caught my eye to see something personalized on a jet.  The skull was an "after market" didn't come off the line that way, I know, you're shocked!  Very seldom will you see a jet with any "unofficial" markings (save the A-10 with her sweet nose art).  You will have to continue to wonder what kind of jet this skull is on (I'm not telling) but I will tell you was flown later that day, it is super duper fast, it is not stealth, it is flown by a person in the jet (with wind under her butt), the number 258 means something, the skull means even more and after I took the shot I was told that I really needed to put my camera away.  :o  

Side note:  I didn't shoot this today...I did break out my camera tonight but I only shot people (adults) and I didn't have their permission to post the images so I pulled this one from the inventory for fun!

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