Sunday, April 1, 2012

Camp Sea World

Do you remember raising your hand to every question the teacher asked...even if you didn't know the answer?  What changed?  Why don't we have that same eagerness to impress or please like we used to?  NONE of these girls knew the answer to the question the Camp Sea World instructor was asking (how many teeth does the average shark go through in their lifetime? It's 40,000!) but they all raised their hands anyway.  How cute is that?  We spent the night at Sea World (we slept in the penguin exhibit--it was amazing) and the staff kept us up painfully late doing various activities to wear out the kids so they would sleep when it was time.  I've never heard so many little kids beg to go to sleep...clearly the staff has done this before!  It's fun to revisit your childhood through the eyes of a parent, not that much has changed.

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