Monday, August 6, 2012

Curly Q

Today I received a package from a dear friend who is deployed in Afghanistan...yes, SHE sent ME a package!  Silly girl, I am the one who has been bugging her for her deployed address so I can send her a package, eeesh!  To my delight, I opened a colorful bounty of the softest scarves, a beautiful, hand-made dress for my daughter, a hand-stiched purse and a gorgeous blouse.  I wish you could touch this's as soft as a baby chick.  What a gorgeous contrast these colors must be against the desert landscape.  I certainly understand what draws the Middle Eastern women to this rich palate.  Now, for you "rule followers" I know that a "curly q" is not exactly a proper shape, and to you I say, live a little!  Smile.

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