Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I don't know what it is about round shapes that make me so happy.  I'm sure there's some Freudian theory that has something to do with ovaries or my mother's breasts or something ridiculous like that (come to think of it, my mom does have huge boobs...hmmm).  Anyways, I always find myself smiling whenever I see bubbles, bouncy balls, and balloons.  I prefer softer architecture, with curves instead of sharp edges and I like curves in nature, like the curve of a tree branch, the petal of a flower or the brilliant, bright sun.  I wonder if I make more of an effort to surround myself with these shapes I might find a little more calm and relaxation.  I wonder what my husband would think about a round bed?  Hmmm, maybe not.  Enjoy some bubbles soon, seriously, they are fun!

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