Saturday, May 19, 2012

Wine Cork Humor

Ok, I had an entirely different image in mind for today but when I opened my "Mad Housewife" wine and saw this cork, I just couldn't resist!  Seriously, how true is this?  Smile.  Ok, so you might be thinking, "why are you drinking a wine called "Mad Housewife?"  Well, let me tell ya...Momma is so burned out!  Dad has been out hiking for a couple of weeks now and I've had about as much quality time with the kiddo as I need for the moment.  Not to mention I let the house go while I was cramming for finals and now I can't enjoy my down time until this house is clean!  My kingdom for a maid!  For now, I'm really enjoying this wine cork humor...and my second glass of chardonnay!

ps. It's a Napa Valley Chard and it's yummy!!!

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