Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Here's one example of the form of a license plate.  What possesses people to pay more money for a crummy license plate just because they want to share some obscure message with the world?  I don't get it.  What's this all about "H2OTOYZ" anyway?  It's a Chevy truck, there is no boat attached, no canoe sitting on's Nevada, the desert.  I do enjoy those clever plates that are written in code, the ones that make you think about what they say--it's something to do at the red light. I wonder if they have vanity plates in other countries??  I don't remember seeing any during the 6 years I lived in Europe, but I could be wrong.  What's your vanity item?  I guess you could say mine is this blog, right?  

ps. I fell asleep at 8pm last night while putting my daughter to bed...oops!  Missed my self-imposed deadline again.  I'll have to punish myself with a Jillian Michaels work out.  Dang.

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