Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Rub My Belly

You know you want to...it's irresistible!  This was my one request for Shane as he traveled to Nepal--please bring me back a Buddha. I heard once that it was bad luck to buy yourself a Buddha, that one had to be given to you and ever since then, I wanted one.  Isn't that silly?  I'm Catholic!  But I love that smiling face and irresistibly round belly (which I will note is not attractive on a "real" man).  He makes me happy and I'm so glad I have one of my own now to enjoy.  I didn't want to dust him off (even though every crack is filled with Nepalese dust) because he is perfect, and authentic just like he is.  If you rub the belly, you'll really just be putting fingerprints on your monitor so just wait until you come over, then rub.  :)

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