Saturday, January 11, 2014

1st Confession

Today was our daughters' first confession.  She was terribly nervous (she called it "stage fright") but she found her courage, she mentally prepared and did great.  The priest was kind and washed away her fears and calmed her nerves.  When she walked out she said, "Mom, I'm going to do the dishes for you today.  Because, I love to wash dishes anyway."  Apparently, he told her to do something nice for me, obviously, she chose something she liked, but that's ok.  Then we sat in the pew and did her requisite 3 Hail Mary's and now we are off to Chuck-e-Cheese for her reward!  I wonder if my mom got to go out for pizza and video games when she had her 1st confession?  Somehow, I doubt it.  (I can almost hear her laughing from here.)


  1. I wonder what she had to confess at that young an age. The stories the priests could tell.


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