Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Grieving isn't easy...

I took this photo of my dad only 7 months ago, at my nephew's high school graduation.  He sits next to my brother, a man who grew up to call Dad his best friend.  At the time, we didn't know how sick he really was, how soon he would leave us and how much we would cherish moments like this as we look back.  Grieving isn't easy.  The ache in my heart hits me hard and very randomly.  I often hear his voice in my head, mostly his laugh, the way he answered the phone "Yellow!",  his closing, "I love you, Baby" and his wonderful bear hugs.  He wasn't perfect, we had many moments that were frustrating and annoying but they were trivial and quickly forgiven and forgotten.  God, I hope you're taking good care of our dad because we sure miss him.

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