The Sunflower Chronicle has dormant for 10 years but this flower is back in bloom! Please enjoy this journey with me and create some of your own beauty this year. I love comments and feedback so drop me a line sometime. Namaste.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Tree Love
Here's a photo I shot years ago but only edited today. The hub and I were camping up in Mt. Charleston when I saw this sweet made me smile to see these trees intertwined. If you google the question "do trees have feelings" you'll get dozens of crazy hits with opinions, myth busters, vegans and pagans all opining on the subject but who really knows? I think these two dig each other, why not? I call it tree love...
Monday, July 30, 2012
Pretty Turkish Pine
I decided to dedicate this week to photographs of trees. They are one of natures most amazingly generous gifts and are a welcome respite in this harsh desert climate. This beauty lives in my backyard, she is known as either a Turkish or Afghan Pine. Apparently, this tree is home to "sap-sucking aphids" and I'm sure they are quite happy here because this tree is full of honeydew sap. Apparently bees love it and make fabulous honey with it...haven't figured out where to get any yet. I just love the beautiful rust tones within her layers and the elephant-skin gray bark on top. I intend to print a few of these on acrylic as a way of bringing the outside in so I can enjoy them even more!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Goodnight Moon
Goodnight Moon, goodnight stars, goodnight noises everywhere...time for a new week to begin. Another weekend gone too quick, tomorrow is almost here.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Little Touches
I just love fresh flowers on the dinner table. It really doesn't take much to add such a lovely thing to a table to add that cozy feeling. When I lived in Europe, I was so spoiled by the amazing farmers markets which sold fresh flowers, crusty bread and delicious rotisserie chickens every Sunday. My home was always filled with flowers, no matter what. These little guys live for weeks too! Tonight, a dinner out with good friends was wonderful and made even more special by these little touches.
Friday, July 27, 2012
The Olympic Flame
The torch has been through our home and in our hearts tonight as the 2012 Games officially began. The Olympics is one of the last great family events most of carry memories of and long to create new ones. I ignited my daughters fire tonight by crafting a torch (she and her friends carried them around all night), playing our own version of the mini-olympics (hoola-hoop, sack race and limbo), complete with Gold, Silver and Bronze medals (she was devastated to earn only Bronze in two events). I hope this tradition remains in her memory as a joyful childhood moment, but if it doesn' will always be in mine.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Stripper Bar
I'd like to introduce you to my alter ego...Ginormica! Yeah Baby! Another Vegas moment tonight on the strip with my favorite person...the hub. We saw a slutty show (Peep Show) so I thought this image was appropriate. Our only hope is that our little redhead never grows up to dance on a pole (I think that's funny, he doesn't)...we gotta get out of this town soon!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
I have crabs!
Two, to be exact...this is "Coco" and the other one (in the cage) is "Marshmallow." Coco is a bit shy and took a few minutes to crawl out of her shell enough to walk across the table. We have successfully introduced additional pets into the home without freaking out the dog or the husband, Whoo Hoo! Isn't she cute?
Tuesday, July 24, 2012's not Kansas

You have to appreciate the uber sparkly shoes and the bruised, scratched legs together in one shot...then the sassy walk away when she thought I was finished shooting. "Mom, you HAVE to get these shoes! They are sooooo shiny!" "Yes they are...but I think I already have a pair like that, darn." One thing I've learned from this whole "kid raising thing" is that you can't teach this behavior, it comes naturally. I am not a fou fou girly girl...I was wearing my work out clothes and gym shoes in the store...she was wearing lip gloss and shiny shoes, love her!
Monday, July 23, 2012
Love Hurts
Ok, I don't know why egg-art cracks me up so much (pun intended) but it does. It makes me feel crafty and artsy to draw and since I can't paint (although I long to paint like you can't imagine) or draw...I create egg-art. I also love to laugh and to make others laugh, hence the silly scenario you see here...complete with an egg-uvula! Make your own little scene today, it's fun and all you need is a few eggs and a sharpie! :D Hee hee
Sunday, July 22, 2012
New Look!
Hello, Friends, I hope you like my new look. I really wanted to switch it up a bit by brightening my blog page with my own background image and cleaning it up visually. I also added a gadget that enables translation (mostly because I enjoy reading my own words in French). I am thrilled that people from all over the world have checked out my chronicles to include my faithful followers in Russia, the UK and Germany. I've also wondered if my photography or writing or a combination of both amuses you the most. Please share any suggestions you have that will help improve my blog. As an art student, I am accustomed to feedback, trust me. I have grown a very thick skin over the years. ;)
Until tomorrow...ciao!
Until tomorrow...ciao!
Life is full of precious moments, you really have to try to enjoy them as they come. It's the little things that really mean the most, like a laugh over a movie quote, a tickle on the armpit, a silly face or a joke that doesn't make sense. Children can be so exhausting at times and at others, they remind us what life is really about, don't they? It's scientifically proven that laughter relieves stress, so why not turn away from your favorite show for a few seconds and have a giggle with your kid, your dog or a friend? (Or, your cat...sorry, Mary)
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Sister Friends
My dear friend, Sharon, once told me that no matter what your age, you should have friends from age 4-70 and I couldn't agree more. Siena had such a beautiful morning with a lovely girl twice her age and it made me think of the sister friends in my life (not to mention my own sister who is 5 years younger than me). My sister and I would have danced over splashing water like this at the exact same age...then we would have started fighting but for that one, sweet moment, it was probably this much fun. I cherish every minute I have with my sister and my sister friends of all ages. They make life worth living.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Just when I was having so much fun with Barbie, something terrible happens and propels me back into reality. The shocking news of the shooting at the Aurora movie theater, the very same location I used to love going to as a teenager, the place where I saw "Footloose" with my two best friends one winter and danced around the parking lot, in the dark, after the now a place of horrible tragedy. Such senselessness is everywhere and probably always has been but the media brings it right into our lives, in color, and it stings and creates an unforgettable memory in your brain. Because of this, I found myself at my church today, lighting a candle for those affected by this and all of the sad stories we read about each day. Peace be with you.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Barbie Got the Boot
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Summer Vacation
I just love poetry, one of my favorite books is a beautifully written novel in poems called "girl coming in for a landing" by April Halprin Wayland. Here's a little poem from the book that makes me giggle--especially when my "little Miss" is being a "little stinker"
Hope your summer is full of little moments that touch you.
Sand Crab
I stomp along the hard sand
that's been licked by the sea,
watching a little bird
search for sand crabs.
I want to yell,
"Hey, you!
Looking for a crab?
Look at me!"
Hope your summer is full of little moments that touch you.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Martini Monday
Nothing is quite more modern-Vegas than a martini and Mondays are no exception to the rule. Here we have a pear-tini complete with poire vodka, but of course. It's just one of those days, so why not?
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Zion Zen
Something about this place just calls me. It's not only a great escape from my desert reality but it's peaceful and brings me joy to be surrounded by natural beauty. People from around the world flock to Zion National Park to experience their own escape and although we are all different, we commune in this awesome environment. It's pretty fantastic. On this visit, the thing that caught my eye the most were the multitude of zen-like rock art statues along the trails. Many different people seemed to want to contribute as they passed by and soon there were hundreds of these totems. My daughter made a few of her own...the rocks called to her too. I will take this Zion Zen moment through this week with me, you can too!
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Freewheeling a Photo
I thought I'd share with you the evolution of one of my photos. It's really fun to see what you can do from start to finish. As we walked around town today (Springdale, UT) I really enjoyed checking out the work of the local artisans. This bike was among my favorites. It's so fabulous, fun and free! She is adorable with her little heart license plate and crazy hair. Her bike rides into the clouds with passion and grace. She is my alter ego at this moment in about you? I think I want to print her on acrylic so she is brilliantly clear and modern. Which edit is your fav?
Friday, July 13, 2012
Majestic View
It's late here but my view is still majestic. This is our third trip to Utah this year and we keep returning because of all her beauty (and a much needed respite from the relentless heat in the desert). I love listening to the crickets out the door as I type this...yes, it's cool enough to leave the door open, it's a perfect 69 degrees outside, lovely. More views tomorrow!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Fremont Freaks
What can I say that this image doesn't already sing to you? You have to have a soft spot for the Fremont Street Freaks if you live in Vegas (or just avoid them because they aren't going anywhere). I posted this image today because I had a little escape from the normal routine and went to a Vegas Show, Absinthe (was hil-ar-i-ous) but my dirty martini shot was crap so I dug deep to find this one (from last year, sorry) to amuse us both. I hope you dig it.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Show Off
Yes, I admit it, these could have been my legs circa 1975...I have been and probably will always be a show off. I am lucky, the people in my life have always allowed me these opportunities and the space to dance in my own little, imaginary spotlight. Or perhaps, I never noticed or cared if people rolled their eyes at me because in my mind I was fabulous...until I turned 12, but that's another story. I found my spotlight again in my 20s and have stayed in it since then! As I watched these girls trying to one-up each other at the pool today, I just smiled at the next generation of little show off's and clicked away...
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
In the hands of a child, anything can be real. They have the most powerful and inspirational imaginations...everything is animated in their world. This little butterfly she made today became so much more than a craft, he became a little fluttery friend she flew around the house. I wish adults could find as much joy in something so simple as a butterfly.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Popsicle Toes
Does this image conjure up the taste of childhood? It does for me. I can literally taste each flavor (or imitation flavor, as it were) on my tongue as I look over these slender gems. I remember them melting in my warm hands before I could finish so I would drink the melted, sugary liquid before asking for another one. We would then wrap the plastic around our fingers and watch it uncurl as we threw each one in the trash can. It was another cheap form of entertainment I enjoyed so much back then. I wrote the title "Popsicle Toes" because I was suddenly brought back to my adult world and smiled when I thought of a favorite version of the song by the fabulous jazz musician, Diana Krall (although, I think I heard somewhere she hated it now and wouldn't sing it anymore--whatever, I love it). So, now my childhood and my adulthood have melted into their own sugary goodness and I'm diggin it...
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Farmers Market Tomatoes
Yummy, nothing like fruit in season to whet your appetite! I LOVE tomatoes so much, especially those delightful little black cherry ones--to the left, wow! Talk about a mouth explosion! Slurp. Confession time, I took this yesterday at the market in the Tivoli. Today, I really wanted to take some pictures of our beautiful church but we were late and the hub was stressed out! He said we would only get "1/2 credit" since we were late (guilty Catholics)...I didn't want to freak him out by slowing down by shooting. Next week! The only image I captured today was of my daughter devouring stuffed grape leaves. I know her Armenian grandmother would rejoice! Enjoy whatever yummy food is in season in your neck of the woods!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Love Affair with Joe
I'm a hopeless romantic, the simplest display of kindness, such as this lovely, frothy, heart in my cup makes me all a flutter. It's a bit of a love affair with both the barista and the drink itself...Joe...oh how I adore thee.
Friday, July 6, 2012
My Rooster
This little fellow greets me everyday with a (silent) "good morning" as he swings around above his chimes. I've become quite obsessed with the kitchen cock and this is no exception...I've even got Shane to appreciate the Euro-style of the rooster. He is kinda cute, don'tcha think?
Chalk Deux
I couldn't help myself...the little Alpha Chick inside forced me to reshoot and rework that whole image. I knew there was hope, and I'm pleased with this version of her chalk.
I feel so much better now. :)
I feel so much better now. :)
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Sidewalk Chalk
I can't tell you how much money I spend on toys. Barbie everything, puzzles, dress up clothes, games, etc. and the stuff that gets used the most is the cheapest most common of all...bubbles and chalk. I have grown clever enough to buy the cheap stuff at the dollar section at Target or the dollar store but still buy the other stuff too (why?). If there's nothing to watch on TV, no homework to do, no dinner to eat, or no friends to play with, the sidewalk chalk is always the steadfast back-up plan. It never disappoints.
ps. yes, I know it is a bit out of are my old eyes today. Mea Culpa! It's dark now, can't reshoot.
ps. yes, I know it is a bit out of are my old eyes today. Mea Culpa! It's dark now, can't reshoot.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
American Belly
Happy 4th of July! I was so fortunate to have a willing friend let me take some belly pix of her (and thank you to Micah for waiting until at least your due date). It's funny how nervous I get when I take pictures of friends and family, something I'm trying to overcome as I create more and more images I can be proud of--like this one. You really have to "just do it" sometimes to overcome that nervous, sweaty pit feeling! The American Belly is my new favorite--love it! Thanks, Friends!
ps. Loving
ps. Loving
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
My Little Spartan
Here's a shot of my little Spartan Warrior Princess! She rocked the Spartan Jr. this weekend in Utah and we couldn't be prouder of her! Our princess did it with dangly earrings and pink pants on too! What a diva. Can you see the warrior spirit in her eyes? The look of a true warrior...both Dad and daughter walked out of there with turn comes in Malibu in December, can't wait!! Maybe we should get matching Spartan tattoos for Christmas?! YEAH BABY!
Utah Fires
Such a sad and helpless sight...the fires are raging across the West and here's a shot about 100 miles south of Provo, Utah. You can see the desperate attempt at quelling the destruction by the sprinklers showering the fields below. Unfortunately, the fire made it down the mountain over the weekend and it appeared that the cattle had been moved elsewhere. We saw this one as we drove from Vegas to an area near Park City, Utah where the hub and kiddo both competed in the Spartan Race.
We had no internet this weekend...sorry for the delay in my posts! I feel so behind. Yikes!
We had no internet this weekend...sorry for the delay in my posts! I feel so behind. Yikes!
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Why Not a Bird with a Cupcake on Her Head? Lately, I’ve been feeling emotionally heavy and in desperate need of some levity. Enter this we...

Hello, Friends, I hope you like my new look. I really wanted to switch it up a bit by brightening my blog page with my own background image...
This is my long-time friend, Zoe. We have a special connection that can only be compared to the relationship between Elliot and E.T. in ...
Today I had the privilege of running into a man who believes in kindness, Bob and his dog, Bogart. I had never heard of this magic bus be...