Saturday, April 6, 2013

Cracked Egg

Hi Bebe,
We went to Zilker Botanical Gardens today for a Garden Festival...and although it's strange that the only good image I have is that of a tiny cracked egg, it somehow feels appropriate.  Both Siena and are feeling a little maudlin today over missing you.  Although we had a lovely time at the fest with Susan and Sophia, as we were leaving I felt a pang of sadness hit me as I drove through acres of families picnicking, throwing frisbees, walking dogs and flying kites together.  It was like a bloody Halmark commercial, seriously.  Like those families were all staged for effect and we were driving through some set.  We drove your car today (since the stupid truck is dead) and whenever we are in it, we play your music and miss you more.  Oh, so Siena's new favorite song is "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons.  It's pretty funny to turn around and watch her head banging to the chorus.  She always asks me to play it louder and I do because it fills that emptiness in me too.  Replaces the sadness with a little edge instead. I guess our family feels a bit like this tiny egg right now, we are growing and all settling in different nests for now but something still remains back home, in our hearts, in our shell.

I love you and miss you.  She cried for you tonight before she fell asleep.  I just want you to know that although she's a weirdo on the phone and would rather stare at herself and make faces, she loves you deeply and feels so lucky to have such an amazing dad.


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