Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Happiness is a Red Balloon

Well, I did it, I painted my first piece for someone else (other than myself).  It was so much harder than I expected to create a piece for a friend.  I found myself over thinking the art and until I let my mind go, I couldn't let my hands work.  I finally freed my mind and created a piece today.  It's acrylic on wood.

Here's my artist statement:

My painting represents some of the things that make me smile.  The ocean has drawn me in and soothed me in more ways than I could have ever expected.  It has made me feel safe and small, it has taken my stressors and made me light, like a colorful balloon.  The red represents my fiery spirit, my redheaded daughter, and my heart, all of which make me feel happy and free.  The lovely seashell is my steadfast love, my everything, my safe place, my beautiful, complex, husband.  He rests and waits patiently for me to fly until I am ready to settle back down and float to him.  He is not jealous or anxious, he enjoys watching me float around smiling in the breeze.

The tiny sunflower is my signature…it is another symbol of all of the friends and family who have given me so much sunshine and love throughout my life.


Monday, July 29, 2013

Eyeing the Needle

Hey Babe,

I captured Siena in this pose and thought it was really cool.  She is obsessed with these rock formations as well as the tide pools at the base of them.  It's really nice to have our daughter enjoying, appreciating and learning so much about nature.  Neither of us miss Chuck-e-Cheese, bouncy houses or fast food...


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sand Dollar

Hi there!  We went sand dollar searching today and struck gold on Gearhart Beach.  It was so fun to walk up and down the beach with a mission.  I wondered if they were dead when the "beached" I was told (by Teaka) and she told me they probably were but just to be safe, shake them and see if I can hear the doves.  I didn't know what she was talking about so I asked and then further researched it when I returned.  She said there are 5 doves that represent peace and Christians believe it is a gift from Jesus.  Here's a poem I've found on many websites tonight:

The Legend of the Sand Dollar
There's a lovely little legend
that I would like to tell,
of the birth and death of Jesus,
found in this lowly shell.

If you examine closely,
you'll see that you find here,
four nail holes and a fifth one,
made by a Roman's spear.

On one side the Easter lily,
its center is the star,
that appeared unto the shepherds
and led them from afar.

The Christmas Poinsettia
etched on the other side,
reminds us of His birthday,
our happy Christmastide.

Now break the center open,
and here you will release,
the five white doves awaiting,
to spread Good Will and Peace.

This simple little symbol,
Christ left for you and me,
to help us spread His Gospel,
through all Eternity.
Author Unknown

Pretty special little thing, isn't it?  :)  One thing I did learn is that the live sand dollars have tiny, velvety spines all over them (and they are dark), while the dead ones are have a smooth "test" or shell and are usually bleached white by the sun.  Learn something new every day...if only I remembered half of it, eh?


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Nehalem Trees

We ventured out again this week and hit a charming little town called Nehalem.  We met our neighbors at their favorite camp ground (where Siena learned to fish) and I couldn't get over the green explosion around me.  It was like a mossy blanket covering the entire area.  You will love it when we take you back there in the fall.  We enjoyed watching the chipmunks run around, the birds hopping from branch to branch and the squirrels leaping from tree to tree.  I wonder if they know how good they have it here?

We do.


ps. On our way home Siena said, "I really like this place.  There are no street lights anywhere.  They must have not wanted to disturb nature here."  Nice observation!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Hi There,

I am finally looking over some shots I took when my sister and Aiden were here and here's one of my favorites.  I love the sense of humor and the sweetness all rolled into one moment.  It's so typical of her. (My mini-me, no doubt)

They are sitting on Tommy's bench...it will probably look different when you get here (if he can help it), but I think it's just fine the way it is.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Farmers Market

Hi Sweets!  Here a few shots from the Cannon Beach Farmer's Market today.  It was small but they had everything we could have wanted, artisan cheeses (I bought some), blackberries, cherries, vegetables, bread (yum), honey (I bought some), salmon & crab from Chilkoot, meat from local farmers, flowers (bought one of those bunches of lavender (couldn't resist), fresh juices (bought one), and even wine tasting (have enough)!  Siena made it her mission to pet every dog at the market and that black shirt she chose was covered in dog hair by the end...but she was giddy.  We saw a sweet weim and an equally friendly husky (both made me think of you).  This place gets better each day and makes me want to share it with you all the more...yep, I know where I want to spend your R&R for sure!  And next summer!


Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th of July

Here's a photo that sums up the Cannon Beach 4th of July Parade!  It was a charming parade with kids sitting in the back of police cars, fire trucks and grandpa's pride and joy throwing salt water taffy to excited children.  Siena gathered several fist-fulls of candy and has already asked me to eat all of it!  The parade reminded me of a few that participated in when I was in Girl Scouts in Illinois.  Fun memories.  I'm glad we went but I wish you were there...next year.


  Why Not a Bird with a Cupcake on Her Head? Lately, I’ve been feeling emotionally heavy and in desperate need of some levity. Enter this we...