Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Martin Stranka Made Me Smile Today

I won't bother telling you about my crappy week.  It's not interesting to read that the garbage bag broke last night as I was pulling it out of the can.  I won't amplify that with "and it was full of freshly shucked corn silk, a remaining dirty diaper and the carcass of a rotisserie chicken.  You don't need to read about how I was shampooing the carpet (because of the nervous-puppy-peeing incidents) and I spilled all of the dirty water on the kitchen floor as I was carrying it to the sink (rookie mistake).  

I'd rather share something fun with you today.  I got the mail early and found a square, brown envelop with European-looking writing and a foreign stamp and I immediately knew "it" arrived.  The coveted image from the generous artist, Martin Stranka!  He sent it, he really sent it!  Thank you so much, Mr. Stranka for this lovely, inspiring image.  I love it and will lovingly frame it and hang it in my office.  In spite of all the crappy little things that tried to sour my mood, Martin Stranka made me smile today!


  1. My pleasure :) With love, Martin Stranka

  2. Thank you! :)
    My heart is happy today.


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