Friday, December 28, 2012

Beautiful End

Well, I didn't quite make my 365 goal but I'm still happy about the blog project.  It's been a labor of love.  I stopped because I was completely overwhelmed with our move...something just had to give and the blog was the easiest thing to push aside.  I am not sure what I'm going to do in 2013 but I really want to continue to improve my photography as well as write more.  Since the hub and I will be geographically separated for a year, I have a unique opportunity to write about our time apart.  We'll see  how it goes.  More meditation required on this subject.  Any ideas are welcome.

Happy New Year and enjoy your own journey as the new year presents new opportunities for you too.



Friday, December 14, 2012

Be careful what you wish for...

Here's one just for giggles...I caught my friend's cat in the tub tonight when I was at their house.  Apparently, it's his favorite source of water but he hates getting his paws wet so they trickle the water in for him and he laps it up.  I can't tell you how tempting it was to turn that water on full that wrong?  

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Daddy's Spot

I'm sure this is how many of my nights will be spent over the next year...

Monday, December 10, 2012

Love Letter

Here's a new image for my series "Separation" (aka 'coping')...I am calling it Love Letter.  I wanted to capture that moment when I'll be writing letters in the morning sun while Siena is likely flittering about (or glued to the TV).  I usually do my best thinking then...

Sunday, December 9, 2012


There's nothing like the scent of fresh pine to bring wintery, holiday thoughts to mind.  Smells are so amazingly connected to our memories, it's fascinating.  When I go on a big vacation I am very careful to choose my perfume, lotion and hair products to ensure they are smells I want to remember fondly.  Unfortunately, smells remind you of bad memories too, sometimes things you just can't shake but hopefully, the good will always dominate your mind and you're able to find that special scratch-n-sniff that keeps you smiling...

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Bird Feeders

Tis the season to make bird feeders!  Do you remember making these?  Our birds LOVE them and it's fun to watch the little ones chirp and snack and the fatties sit on the grass below waiting for the pieces to drop.  Is that mean?

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Today, I felt like a child in a candy store when I enjoyed a delicious breakfast with my friend a the Bagel Cafe.  While her head was turned for a second, I quickly walked over to the glass of deliciousness and just oogled at the yumminess before me.   To be completely honest, this image was taken at Mike's Pastry Shop in Boston and since I was in Boston again this week I thought it would be appropriate to post this image...especially since our local Bagel Cafe is a whole lot of goodness...much like Mikes!  Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Coach Seat

Another crummy coach seat exact duplicate as the one I warmed for nearly 8 hours yesterday.  The perma-crack was there to greet me again today and as I sunk into the pleather seat and felt the familiar nudge of the seat in front of me with my knobby knees I didn't mind as much that the seat felt like a concrete block under me, because I knew in 8 more hours I would be home.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Recipe of a City

Sorry, no image today...nothing yesterday either, geez.  Yesterday we drove home from Los Angeles and I immediately went to my friend's house to babysit her 4 lovely daughters.  Today I flew to Boston for a quick business trip (home tomorrow).  

So, I am staying at a hotel in a trendy part of town with tons of shops, it's very hustle bustle and lively (very different from my life in suburbia).  When I walk through a busy city it seems they are all made from the same recipe, the ingredients include countless cross walks and traffic, a few homeless people on park benches, hotels and shops, a guy leaning against a building holding a coffee cup, another guy playing his electric keyboard on the sidewalk for tips, a couple meeting outside a restaurant for a first date, a person sleeping in front of a church with a sign that reads "one of many homeless veterans" (only it was spelled "vetrans").  (I can't help but correct this as a vet myself.)  I'm sure I can go to any city in America and find the same ingredients, it makes me curious about what attracts these people to cities and also tells me why I don't feel happy in's not my scene.  I much prefer smaller towns where people are nicer, kind to each other, where nature is the centerpiece, not the traffic.  The older I get, the more I adore small town life...but I do have a soft spot for the culture of this city, it has a soul, you can see the history all around you and when you're here, you enjoy the culture and energy.  Maybe the ingredients seem the same, but each city is tweaked with a different flavor...enjoy yours!

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Today, my friend Lesa and I conquered the mighty Spartan Sprint!  It was a woman vs mud adventure but we rocked it and may even do it again someday!  You never know what you're capable of until you go for it!  WE ARE SPARTANS!!!

  Why Not a Bird with a Cupcake on Her Head? Lately, I’ve been feeling emotionally heavy and in desperate need of some levity. Enter this we...